The Uplevl Solution

Uplevl Automated Contract Management

With Uplevl you can store all contracts in one place and access them from almost anywhere with our cloud-based platform. Find exactly what you’re looking for with our powerful and easy-to-use search capability and track versions and revisions automatically. Plus, enjoy Flexible workflow capabilities, which will automatically route documents for review and approval based on pre-set rules.

Uplevl’s simple-to-use folder structure makes it easy to organize your contracts in a way that makes the most sense for your business so you can spend less time looking for a contract and more time actually working on it. Along with tagging, meta-data, and automated workflow routing, your contracts are easy to process.
> Manage, control and monitor the review process.
> Easily find what you need when you need it.
> Continually improve processes.
> Increase ROI with more streamlined approval workflows.

Benefits of Contract Management

A contract management system eliminates the manual, time-consuming tasks associated with contracts and frees you and your team to work on real value-add activities. It also ensures tighter controls, better auditing, added security, and eliminates costs associated with paper-based processes.

  • Version Control
  • Workflow Routing
  • Real Time Business Intelligence
  • Integration With Other Business Applications
  • Cloud-Based


Average amount of time saved in contract approval when using a contract management system like Uplevl


contract renewal rates were experienced by companies using Uplevl's contract management solution.

up to 90%.

Of erroneous payments can be eliminated by using a contract management solution like Uplevl.